In the investigate phase of the technological design process to address the shortage of dustbins in the imaginary class, there are several key steps that need to be taken:
1. Identifying the problem: The first step in the investigate phase is to clearly define and understand the problem at hand. This includes gathering information on the current situation, such as the number of existing dustbins, their locations, and how frequently they are being emptied.
2. Gathering data: In order to come up with an effective solution, it is important to gather relevant data about the issue. This may involve conducting surveys or interviews with students and teachers to get their input on the problem and potential solutions.
3. Researching existing solutions: It is also important to research existing solutions to similar problems in other schools or settings. This can provide valuable insights and ideas for addressing the shortage of dustbins in the classroom.
4. Identifying constraints: In the investigate phase, it is important to identify any constraints that may impact the design and implementation of a solution. This could include factors such as budget limitations, space constraints, or school policies.
5. Formulating research questions: Based on the information gathered so far, it is important to formulate specific research questions that will guide the next steps in the design process. These questions should help to focus the investigation and inform the development of potential solutions.
By carefully following these steps in the investigate phase of the technological design process, it is possible to gain a better understanding of the problem of the shortage of dustbins in the imaginary class and begin to develop a plan for addressing it effectively.
Shortage of dustbin has been identified as a problem in your imaginary class. Discuss phase 1 which is the investigate phase of technological design process
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