short definition less than 30 words for each of:

cloture petition
concurrent resolution
discharge petition
joint resolution
pocket veto

1 answer

bill: proposed legislation presented for approval by a legislative body
cloture petition: motion to end debate and proceed to a vote in the Senate
concurrent resolution: a type of resolution adopted by both chambers of Congress
discharge petition: used in the House of Representatives to bring a bill out of committee for a vote
filibuster: tactic used to delay or block legislation in the Senate through prolonged debate
joint resolution: passed by both chambers and signed by the President, carries the force of law
override: Congress's power to pass a bill into law over a presidential veto with a two-thirds majority vote
pocket veto: president's refusal to sign a bill within ten days of Congress adjourning
quorum: minimum number of members required to conduct business in a legislative body
repeal: to revoke or undo a law or policy
resolution: a formal statement of a decision or opinion by a legislative body
rider: amendment added to a bill that is unrelated to the main purpose of the legislation