Shori took an acting class in eighth grade and enjoyed it. In fact, she thought she might want to become an actress.
Next year, Shori will be going to high school and had heard a lot about the Paul Robeson High School for the Performing and Visual Arts. After some encouragement from her friends, she decided to check the school out a bit more. I’ll stop by the counselor’s office to pick up an application after school, Shori thought.
On the bus ride home from school, she flipped through the application requirements. Shori was surprised to find out students must audition and perform a scene from a play as part of the application for the acting department.
“I’ve never performed a scene by myself,” Shori said. “Oh boy, I can either do really well or totally embarrass myself!”
She lay awake in bed all night thinking about her audition. What play could she use? Would she be able to remember her lines in front of a room full of strangers? What if she wasn’t good enough for the acting program?
“Bzzzzzzz!” her alarm clock went off. Shori didn’t even realize she had fallen asleep. As she hurried to get dressed in time to catch the bus for school, she knocked over her entire DVD collection. One of the silvery disks fell from its case and rolled under her mahogany desk. I know if I don’t get this DVD right now, I’ll forget about it, Shori thought, as she felt under the desk for the movie.
“Gotcha!” she said and pulled it out. As she turned it over, the title’s crisp white lettering made her heart skip a beat. The DVD was a copy of Romeo and Juliet. “This must be a sign,” Shori said to herself as she placed the movie back in its case.
After school, Shori headed over to the library to check out a book of Shakespeare’s plays and immediately began memorizing a scene from Romeo and Juliet, her favorite play.
Why does Shori check out a book of Shakespeare's plays?
Shori is going to act out scenes from Hamlet with her friends for fun.
Shori will read A Midsummer Night's Dream with her mom and dad.
Shori plans to use the book as a doorstop because it's pretty thick.
Shori plans to perform a scene from Romeo and Juliet for her audition.
1 answer