Anonymous -- or Fats --
Is this still the same assignment in which you're supposed to go from the general to the specific?
Shelter is something beneath, behind, or within which a person, animal, or thing is protected people from storms. One means of shelter is protection from the cold. Shelters can be for abandoned animals. Shelters can be used for women that are escaping violent. The environmental factors which reduce survivability can be natural or man-made. The living organism is usually animal and usually man. The most common natural environmental factor is the weather, and the shelter is normally used to protect against cold. Almost as equal is protection against other hostile animals. In the case of humans, shelter can also protect against aggression by other humans as in events of war or crime. Everyone needs shelter. People shelter their children from one place to another place to keep warm. Shelter helps people in housing need.
6 answers
yes but i want to make sure that I am on the right track
No. You are not on the right track.
Your paragraph is disjointed and wanders all over the place. It certainly does not start with a generality and end with a specific.
Your assignment is to take a broad topic like shelter and continually narrow it down to be very specific. Several tutors have posted suggestions for you.
Please go back and read all of the posts that responded to you.
Your paragraph is disjointed and wanders all over the place. It certainly does not start with a generality and end with a specific.
Your assignment is to take a broad topic like shelter and continually narrow it down to be very specific. Several tutors have posted suggestions for you.
Please go back and read all of the posts that responded to you.
Are you clear on the meanings of the words "general" and "detailed"?
Here is your most general sentence:
Everyone needs shelter.
How will you take it from there?
Here is your most general sentence:
Everyone needs shelter.
How will you take it from there?
What do you think now because I think I got the general and detail I think not sure
Shelter --
Shelter is something that helps protect people from the elements.
Everyone needs some kind of shelter.
It is very important.
It protects us from many things.
Most importantly because of the weather.
Shelter --
Shelter is something that helps protect people from the elements.
Everyone needs some kind of shelter.
It is very important.
It protects us from many things.
Most importantly because of the weather.
That's a good start.