She slams the door closed.

The tears won't stop running.
She hits her head into the pillow.
"Why was I ever born?!" She screamed out.
Her mother ran up the stairs, calling her name.
Before her mom could open the door she quickly locked it.
"Trinity?!Trinty Open the door!" She heard her mother yell frantically.
She sat on the floor, leaning against her bed, soaked in tears.
Her mother began thumping on the door, screaming in worry.
She stood up and walked over to her window.
She gazed out to the beautiful sunset.
She opened the window, a soft warm air blew against her pale skin.
Her mother was still thumping heavily against the door.
She remembered all the harsh things they all said.
The tears start flooding again.
She stood on the edge of the window and looked down.
Her incredibly afraid mother burst into her bedroom.
"Trinity" she screamed.
She slowly turned around and spread her arms outwards.
"Suicidal people are just angels who want to go home."
She whispered softly.
Her mother grabbed her arm as she fell backwards.
Her mother wasn't that strong.
Her daughter's arm slipped,
And she watched as she saw her own special baby child fall.
Down, down, down, down... limp and bloody tears rest in her eyes.
Her mother ran down the stairs and ran to her dead daughter she look up to the sky the sky and yelled out "WHY" holding her daughter in her arms crying out for help.

7 answers

What do you want us to check?
All I want check is the grammar and miss spells. and punctuation and were in some areas if I need improvement!%22+She+screamed+out.+
im not sending this in i need it for a friend that's why the name is not kate its trinity
... here will check your plagiarized post.
ok do you think you could edit my story i have been writing for a school thing...and i promise it is not copy and pasted from somthing..wel technolly it is cuz i have to copy and past it from my microsoft word..
“What are you looking at?” I growled at a blonde haired girl that was staring at me with her bright blue eyes, making me feel unconvertible. She just smiled at me with a goofy look and pranced off, and that’s how my day started at school with a no good noisy blonde headed girl. “Hey kid is there a reason you’re waiting outside of the principal’s office?” I jumped realizing I was here for a reason but did not know that reason in particular.
“Oh….umm….my names Asher Skillzer and...” He cut me off waving his hands in the air.
“I don’t want to hear who you are young sir I want to know why you’re here.” He pointed to the office again. I pulled my hat off flipping my hair and put my hat back on again.
“Oh..umm yes.. I am here because. Well I don’t know.” He looked at me in heist and glared.
“No hats in school.” I took my hat off and brushed my hair back.
“Sir again what are you here for?” I looked around.
“Nothing.” He shoved me aside and opened the office door.
“Get to class before the bell rings.” I glared at him for a moment then I ran to my locker.
“NO RUNNING ASH!” The school janitor said to me as I rushed to my locker and pulled out my text books.
As soon as I opened my algebra class door the teacher glanced at me.
“Shhh.” She said putting her finger to her lips.
I sat down in my seat. “Now if Mr. Skillzer will turn to page 309 and read to page 315…”
I stopped listening; Mrs. Gibbs knows how much I hate reading out loud to the class I shrank down in my seat trying to avoid her eye contact.
“ASHER get up and read page 309 to page 315 now, please and thank you.”
She glared at me with her green eyes reviling she was upset and I should get up RIGHT now and read. I sighed getting up and standing adjusting my lose bottom up shirt. As I started to read my mind filed with anger and worry then I fainted.