She gets ready hard for an exam.

[Is this sentence grammatical?]

6 answers


She studies hard for an exam.
Thank you.
1. She is ready for an exam. [Is this right?]
2. She is ready hard for an exam.
[What about this sentence?]
3. She (is) (studying) hard for an exam. [Right Answer: two points:They are asked to use the present continuous tense.]
4. She (gets) (ready) hard for an exam. [Do you give partial points for this sentence?]
5. She (is) (ready) hard for an exam. [Do you give partial points for this sentence?]
1. Correct
2. no

4. No. Hard does not belong in either this or sentence 5.
Ok. Thank you. Then, what adverbs can we use to emphasize in the sentences instead of 'hard'?
She studies hard.
She works intensely to get ready for the exam.
She put in many hours to prepare for the exam.