Share your film interview questions with classmates. Make sure that your questions are in the presente perfecto.

Type a few facts you learned from classmates' Discussion projects and feedback.
Read the discussion posts of several other classmates. Provide feedback to at least two other students.

1 answer

1. ¿Has visto alguna película que te haya impactado profundamente? ¿Cuál ha sido y por qué?
2. ¿Has tenido la oportunidad de trabajar en alguna producción cinematográfica? Si es así, ¿cómo ha sido esa experiencia?
3. ¿Has viajado a algún festival de cine? ¿Cuál ha sido tu experiencia allí?
4. ¿Has asistido a alguna premier de una película? ¿Cómo te sentiste al ver la película por primera vez?
5. ¿Has entrevistado a algún actor o director de cine? Si es así, ¿cómo ha sido esa experiencia?

Facts learned from classmates' Discussion projects and feedback:
1. One classmate shared about a film they watched recently called "Parasite" and how it impressed them with its social commentary.
2. Another classmate talked about their experience working as a production assistant on a short film and how it gave them valuable insights into the filmmaking process.
3. One classmate mentioned attending the Cannes Film Festival and being amazed by the talent and creativity showcased there.
4. Another classmate shared their experience of attending a movie premiere and feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness while watching the film with an audience.
5. One classmate mentioned interviewing a renowned director for their school newspaper and being fascinated by the director's insights and storytelling techniques.

Feedback for classmate 1:
I found your experience of watching "Parasite" and how it impacted you very interesting. It would be great if you could provide more details about the specific aspects of the film that left a lasting impression on you. Overall, your discussion was concise and engaging.

Feedback for classmate 2:
Your experience working as a production assistant sounds exciting. It would be great if you could expand a bit more on what tasks you were responsible for during the production and any challenges you faced. Additionally, it would be interesting to know if this experience helped shape your perspective on filmmaking in any way. Great job on your discussion!