Shakespeare’s plays have enjoyed success for centuries – his tragedies in particular. King Lear is one of Shakespeare’s best known tragedies. The famous play contains many scenes with intense story lines and climaxes. Bradley’s definition, “A Shakespearean tragedy is a story of human actions producing exceptional calamity and ending in death of a man in high estate” applies to King Lear to an extent that the blind go to a point of madness, others contained the trait of jealousy, and one who was blind, died with the most value able estate in his arms.

This sounds good. A couple of suggestions: Underline King Lear.
Put a comma after estate",
Put a period after "applies to King Lear . Then start a new sentence. "The blind move to the point of madness; others act from extreme jealousy; and one dies with the most valuable estate in his arms".