Several employees have been handing out union pamphlets in the parking lot of the hospital. Employees are talking about whether to join the union or not. Some of the managers have joined together and fired employees who were interested in the union to keep the union out. In spite of the fired employees, the NLRB oversees a vote and the union is voted in.
Union and management start negotiating a collective bargaining agreement. They are having a hard time reaching an agreement, and hospital union employees are ready to go out on strike. The strike is scheduled to start tomorrow at 8 a.m.
The managers come to you, the executive administrator, to find out what to do.
How would you handle this? Identify and describe strategies you could adopt to limit legal risk in this area in the future.
1 answer
I am not certain what an "executive administrator" is, or what she does. If she were the boss of the managers, she ought to tell them to either negotiate, or let her do it. Or fire them.