Seven Organizational Approaches

A. Use the matrix below to describe each approach to organizing information about the body. Discuss how each approach can be used.

Approach Describe the approach How might the approach be used?

Body planes and directions

Body cavities

Quadrant and regions

Anatomy and physiology


Body systems

Medical specialty

B. Complete the following matrix. For each body system, identify which body approach(es) might best be used to organize information. Choose only from the following approaches: microscopic-to-macroscopic, body directions and planes, body cavities, and quadrants and regions. Justify your reasoning.

System Approach Explanation









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Desrcibe each approach to organize information about the body.Discuss how each approach can be used.

1. Body planes and directions
2. Body cavaties
3. Quadrant and regions
4. Anatomy and physiology
5. Microscopic-to-macroscopic
6. Body systems
7. Medical specialty