Set the function generator to generate 0-3V peak-to-peak (positively shifted 1.5V DC) sinusoidal

signal with the frequency 0.01fs (fs - specified sampling rate). Before connecting a function
generator to your development kit, connect the output of the function generator directly to
the oscilloscope and verify your signal. Demonstrate your signal to instructor.
Configure the ADC in 12-bit right-aligned, single-channel, continuous conversion mode. Enable
channel 2 of the microcontroller DAC. Configure timer TIM7 to generate interrupts with the
specified sampling rate fs.
In TIM7 period elapsed ISR implement the specified moving average filter (get the sample from the
ADC, compute filter output, and update DAC data register with the result using 12-bit right-aligned
Connect the output of the function generator to the ADC input via 1k resistor. Run your program
and observe the DAC output with an oscilloscope. Increase the frequency of the input signal with
0.01fs increment and complete Table 1 for 16 input frequency values starting from fin = 0.01fs.

fs= 10000hz
filter: 10-point