Separating a mixture of benzoic acid, acetanilide in dichloromethane

An over zealous student decided to conduct this experiment by distilling all the dicholoromethane at the very beginning and then separating the solid residue of benzoic acid and acetanilide by rechrystallization. Explain why this procedure would be ineffective.

1 answer

sodium hydrogen carbonate was added so the benzoic acid would dissolve hence leaving the acetanilide and dichloroethane. the benzoic acid and the sodium hydrogen bicarbonate was separated buy adding hydrocholoric acid and then using a suction funnel therefore leaving the "pure" benzoic acid. the acetanilide and dicholoroethane was separated via distillation as the dicholoroethane evaporated off leaving the "pure" acetanilide... THIS IS HOW IT WAS ORGINALLY DONE!