separate the good and bad things in this :

You have demonstrated an ability to manipulate the elements of music to compose a movement of music. As part of this, you have included clear rhythm and pitch patterns. Your motifs were so thoughtful through the construction of melodic contour (shape) and patterning- this made it very memorable and effective! Well done! The accompaniment surrounding the motif was very simple and utilised the same notes in the motif- more harmony could have been used. This impacted the ability of your composition to move between the emotions as was outlined in your goals. For example, you didn’t have a clear chordal instrument (you only had one chord at bar 14, which was showing that the song was starting to open up, but then you went back to single, unison notes). Additionally, you could have employed development by assigning one of your instruments a role in being a countermelody or call/response part. To improve, consider how you can utilise a range of instrument roles and layers outside of unison parts to enhance your meaning.

While your piece was clearly in ¾ time, the use of ties/placement of emphasis on your rhythms means that what should be beat one of each bar is actually placed on beat 2 or 3 of the bar (means that what you’ve emphasised as beat one is not actually written on beat one in the notation). This impacts the readability of your piece. Make sure that you listen along with the metronome to hear if your rhythms are following the meter of the notation.

You have used aural skills to compose your composition, and have considered tempo and expression markings. To improve, consider how you can utilise articulation (eg. Staccato/legato; instrument-specific articulations such as pizzicato) to enhance timbre and therefore, the meaning of your piece.

In your composing statement, you have demonstrated your ability to identify and analyse how the elements of music are used and combined to create meaning. To improve for future statements, consider how you could include compositional devices. For instance, you could incorporate the use of motif/development of motif through moving the motif to various instrument sounds (manipulating timbre). Additionally, your explanations clearly linked back to meaning through mood, but you were missing clear links to other aspects of meaning such as style (Movement 2). Make sure to consider more than one aspect of meaning. To link to style, consider what conventions/features of Movement 2 you have manipulated through your identified. elements of music.

1 answer

Good things:
- Demonstrated ability to manipulate elements of music to compose a movement
- Clear rhythm and pitch patterns
- Thoughtful motifs and construction of melodic contour
- Considered tempo and expression markings
- Ability to identify and analyse how elements of music create meaning

Areas for improvement:
- More harmony in accompaniment
- Utilize a range of instrument roles and layers outside of unison parts
- Ensure rhythms follow the meter of the notation
- Utilize articulation to enhance timbre
- Incorporate compositional devices such as motif development
- Include clear links to style in composing statements