The first thing you need to do is divide all of the fractions' numerators by their denominators -- probably using a calculator.
2/6 = 0.33333333333333333333333333
This is not a terminating decimal.
(Broken Link Removed)
Separate the fractions 2/6,2/5,6/13,1/25,7/8and 9/29into two
categories: those that can be written as a terminating
decimal and those that cannot. Write an explanation
of how you made your decisions.
b. Form a conjecture about which fractions can be
expressed as terminating decimals.
c. Test your conjecture on the following fractions:6/12,7/15,28/140,
and 0/7
d. Use the ideas of equivalent fractions and common
multiples to verify your conjecture.
2 answers