Sentences withpassive voiceare wordier because they have an additional helping verb and sometimes the word by. Sentences withactive voiceare more clear and concise.

1 answer

That's correct! In active voice sentences, the subject performs the action, which tends to make the sentence clearer and more direct. For example, in the active voice, you might say, "The chef cooked the meal." In contrast, a passive voice construction would be, "The meal was cooked by the chef," which is wordier and can obscure who is responsible for the action.

Here are a few more examples to demonstrate the difference:

Active Voice:

  1. The dog chased the cat.
  2. The teacher graded the exams.
  3. The researcher conducted the study.

Passive Voice:

  1. The cat was chased by the dog.
  2. The exams were graded by the teacher.
  3. The study was conducted by the researcher.

Active voice is often preferred in writing because it promotes clarity and brevity.