Self-knowledge Activity Identifying your values,

interests and skills
Choose the top 3 values that you would prefer in your future work
Rank Work value Description
Advancement Your desire is to grow in your career. It seems like when you are
looking for work, your main focus is on the ladder you will climb as
you grow in your career. It is important for you to get ahead in your
career, gain opportunities for growth and work in an environment
where one gets to progress from one level to another.
Adventure You prefer to work in an environment where you are not
necessarily secured of your physical safety and have to engage in
activities that require you to protect yourself.
Affiliation It is important for you to work where you are associated with the
Altruism It seems important to you to work in an environment where you
are able to assist others. You would rather sacrifice your comforts
for the sake of the people's well-being.
Appreciation It seems like it is important to you to be in an environment where
you are recognised for who you are and valued for the contribution
you make to the organisation.
Challenge It is important to you to work in a place that allows you to solve
complex problems and in which there is little room for error.
Competition It is important to you to work in an environment where your
performance is measured against others and you are rewarded for
performing better than others.
Creativity You are interested in work that allows you to create things from
scratch. This is a skill you use when solving problems and
expressing yourself.
Flexibility It is important to you to have a job that allows you to also focus on
other important things outside your work.
Fun It seems important to you to work where people are humourous
and allow you to explore that side of your personality.
Money You seem to be someone who considers salaries when looking for
work. You consider passion second.
Spirituality It seems important to you to work in an environment that allows
you to practice your spiritual beliefs without judgment. You would
like to also have your belief system be acknowledged in your daily
Choose the top 3 study or career fields that you are interested in
from the list below.
Rank Study or Career Field
Agriculture and Nature Conservation - study field includes; crop
production, water management and farm management.
Arts and Culture - study field involves creative expression through
drawing, sculpting, painting, filmmaking, and photography just to
mention a few.
Business, Commerce and Management Studies - study field prepares
students for the business and management environments.
Communication and Language Studies - study field equips students to
develop a broad range of communication skills and sets a good
foundation in linguistic, applied linguistic and communication theory.
Education, Training and Development - study field refers to careers that
are aimed at elevating and developing people through the process of
acquiring information and skills via teaching and learning.
Health Sciences and Social Services - study field involves finding
solutions to health-related problems.
Human and Social Studies - study field prepares students to have a
better understanding of people, society, and culture with a broader
Law, Military Sciences and Security - study field is determined by the
application of principles and procedures which are governed by the
laws of the country.
Manufacturing, Construction, Engineering and Technology - study field
provides students with problem-solving skills, hands-on competency,
and require state-of-the-art technical knowledge.
Physical, Mathematical, Computer and Life Sciences – study field
involves careers that require the use of analytical skills to solve complex
Services - study field involves careers that use practical skills to render
a service to others.
Choose the top 3 study or career fields you can work in. Are
you able / will you be able to work in these fields?
Rank Study or Career Field
Agriculture and Nature Conservation - study field includes; crop
production, water management and farm management.
Arts and Culture - study field involves creative expression through
drawing, sculpting, painting, filmmaking, and photography just to
mention a few.
Business, Commerce and Management Studies - study field prepares
students for the business and management environments.
Communication and Language Studies - study field equips students to
develop a broad range of communication skills and sets a good
foundation in linguistic, applied linguistic and communication theory.
Education, Training and Development - study field refers to careers that
are aimed at elevating and developing people through the process of
acquiring information and skills via teaching and learning.
Health Sciences and Social Services - study field involves finding
solutions to health-related problems.
Human and Social Studies - study field prepares students to have a
better understanding of people, society, and culture with a broad
Refer to Appendix E: Self-knowledge Activity Identifying your values, interests and skills in your UFSS1504/1522 Module guide to answer the following questions:

1.1 List your top 3 study or career fields that you are interested in from the list in Appendix E related to bachelor of social sciences and artwork?
Delete this grey text and write your answer(s) here.

1.2 Why did you choose each of these 3 fields you mentioned in 1.1.
Delete this grey text and write your answer(s) here.

1.3 What are your strengths (i.e. what are the things you are good at) and how do these relate to the 3 identified fields?
Delete this grey text and write your answer(s) here.

1.4 How do your current studies relate to the top 3 study or career fields that you identified from the list in Appendix E?
Delete this grey text and write your answer(s) here.

1.5 As you learned in UFSS, your values can influence career decisions. What are the top 3 most important work values for you from the list in Appendix E?
Delete this grey text and write your answer(s) here.

Note: If you are unsure of whether your degree aligns with your interests, skills and values, make an appointment with a Central Academic Advisor at CTL via advising (BFN) or advisingqq (QQ).

Occupation Knowledge
In UFSS, you learned that occupational knowledge is also important for effective career choices. Visit the NCAP website to explore possible career options linked to your interests before answering the questions below. Refer to Appendix F for how to access the NCAP website.
2.1 List 3-5 occupations of interest that you identified and indicate why you would consider these.

2.2 Which occupations of interest can you pursue with your bachelor of social sciences majors ?

2.3 Consider how your identified occupations address your values in bachelor of social sciences. What do you consider as your most suited occupation and why?

Once you have an idea of your most suited occupation, it is important that you look into the various job opportunities and what knowledge, skills, experience, and training are needed for these jobs.

Goal setting: Bringing it back to academics
Once you know your career choice/occupation(s) of interest, it follows that your academic goals align to that long-term career goal. For example, to become a psychologist, you need to do well in Psychology specifically. You also will need to develop additional skills and so on. For help in identifying those, contact your central advisor (advising) or sign up for the Career Development Programme (email career)

3.1 Looking at the SWOT analysis you made in the UFSS module guide, write down a specific academic goal that can maximise your strengths and opportunities.
Delete this grey text and write your answer(s) here.

3.2 Aligned to this academic goal, complete the table below for this semester’s modules.
Module Goal (mark you want to achieve) Mark (actual mark you achieved)
You can populate this section as the semester progresses.

3.3 What might make it difficult for you to achieve your academic goals set out above? In essence, what obstacles can you expect?

3.4 How will you overcome the above-mentioned obstacles or challenges to ensure you reach your goal(s)?

3.5 What support is available to help you achieve your academic goals?

1 answer

Delete this grey text and write your answer(s) here.