The first step towards understanding yourself is knowing who you are as a person, Interestingly, it can be difficult to accept that we don't really know much about ourselves, even though we may think we do. This means it is important to take an "inventory of your abilities and life experiences before you move ahead, identifying those traits that help you define who you are. People make decisions and act in certain ways based on their beliefs, emotions. and biases. Understanding the origin of everything is crucial for one to be successful in life, they say "confuse is the natural consequence of ignorance" and that seems corrects in many situations.
Before you can do anything else. you need to know what your values and beliefs are. For that, you may need to answer questions such as • Why do we cling to the values we believe in? Why do we Choose one thing over another? The answers to these questions tie in understanding who you are as a person, Beliefs are shaped by a variety of interacting factors and that includes your upbringing or prior experiences, the environment you live in, friends, teachers. family members. availability of positive role models etc. importantly, self-aware individuals are better at comprehending the origins of their ideas and beliefs, and that could strengthen their beliefs by triggering the formation of new ideas and identities. Thus, your beliefs and values may serve as a necessary condition for the achievement of your goals in life. if properly set and pursued.
In the same way. self-esteem and self-confidence are often used interchangeably; however, they actually have different meaning and aim. Interestingly, they may au be as a result of self-awareness, but they may differ in terms of how they influence your physical. emotional and 'psychological growth. They are therefore products or a person being in relationship with others and his/her environment.
the truth is that. not everyone is born with an inbuilt sense of self-confidence and other self-defeating though tendencies. Sometimes it can be hard to develop confidence. because personal experiences. having caused you to Jose confidence. There are a couple of 'handy. things you can do to build your confidence. Some of them are just little to your frame of mind, and others are things you have to work on, for a bit longer to make familiar habits.
Often, adolescent girls tend to, ordinarily, show lower self-esteem compared to boys. They are also likely to engage in negative assessments of their physical characteristics and intellectual abilities than boys. That could explain the high incident rate of suicide attempts. cases of depression and eating disorders among girls. Unfortunately. the media has been identified as one major contributor to the development of these negative beliefs and that is possible by the manner ideal qualities are portrayed as desirable to •embrace. The problem of an inability to develop self-management techniques to effectively deal with various challenges. like human traffickers, is because they (traffickers) understand the psychological and emotional vulnerability of young people. Victims of human trafficking could suffer from psychological manipulation and abuse from traffickers. In order to control their victims, traffickers use a variety of emotionally destructive techniques, undermining the confidence and self-worth of their victims, and verbally abusing and isolating them to create a pervasive sense of helplessness.
Among women who have survived trafficking, there are increased rates of anxiety and stress disorders, disassociation, depression, personality disorders, low self-esteem, suicidal ideation.
and poor interpersonal relationships. Worse, victims of human trafficking Have often been robbed of their identities, had their self-esteem demolished, and already experienced physical and psychological abuse before they became victims of human traffickers. Once they leave their traffickers, survivors have a variety of immediate, short-, and long-term needs that must be addressed to help promote resiliency while they are reintegrating into the community. Use the above case study to answer the following questions.
1.1 After reading the extract above. define the term self-esteem.
1.2 According to the above source. there are many factors that could
influence the development of one's self-esteem and self-awareness; briefly state FOUR factors that could lower one's self-esteem.
1.3 Based on the above extract, self-development and self-confidence
differ, but are important aspects of growing up: differentiate between self-development and self-confidence.
1.4 Depression and suicidal thoughts have been identified as conditions that could come about as a result or an inability to develop healthy levels of self-management skills; describe a self-management strategy that learners may use to enhance their self-esteem.
1.5 There are various ways in which young people could enhance their self-esteem; explain THREE strategies that a grade 10 learner may consider to enhance his/her self-esteem.
1.6 The above source establishes that human traffickers may traumatise their victims physically and psychologically; discuss FOUR ways in which human trafficking may negatively affect the victim's self-esteem.
1.7 The above source establishes that human trafficking may lower an individual's self-worth: analyse TWO negative impacts of human trafficking on the victim's self-worth.
1.8 The media has been identified as one of the major contributing factors towards the development of negative views and beliefs in young.

1 answer

1.1 Self-esteem can be defined as a person's overall subjective emotional evaluation of their own worth. It is a judgment of oneself as well as an attitude toward the self.

1.2 Factors that could lower one's self-esteem include negative assessments of physical characteristics, negative assessments of intellectual abilities, experiences of abuse or trauma, and exposure to negative societal influences such as media portrayals of ideal qualities.

1.3 Self-development involves personal growth and improvement in various aspects of life, while self-confidence is the belief in one's own abilities and judgment. Self-development focuses on improving oneself, while self-confidence is the belief in one's ability to succeed and achieve goals.

1.4 A self-management strategy that learners may use to enhance their self-esteem is practicing positive self-talk. By consciously changing negative thoughts and beliefs about oneself into positive affirmations, individuals can improve their self-image and boost their confidence.

1.5 Three strategies that a grade 10 learner may consider to enhance their self-esteem include setting and achieving personal goals, developing positive relationships with supportive peers and adults, and engaging in activities that they enjoy and excel in.

1.6 Human trafficking can negatively affect the victim's self-esteem by subjecting them to physical and psychological abuse, isolating them from support systems, inducing feelings of helplessness and worthlessness, and robbing them of their identities and autonomy.

1.7 Two negative impacts of human trafficking on the victim's self-worth are feelings of shame and guilt due to the exploitation they have experienced, and a sense of being dehumanized and reduced to an object for someone else's profit.

1.8 The media's portrayal of ideal qualities and standards can contribute to young people developing negative views and beliefs about themselves, such as body image issues, low self-esteem, and unrealistic expectations for themselves.