Select two different reasons why Indian indentured labours were brought to work in Natal.

Indian indentured labour was brought to work in Natal to serve in the British army to keep order in the South Africa colony.

Indian indentured labour was brought to work in Natal due to the lack of local labourers in Southern Africa and also due to their refusal to work for cultural reasons.

Indian indentured labour was brought to work in Natal because they were stronger than the local population.

Indian indentured labour was brought to work in Natal because they were better at sugar cutting than the local population.

1 answer

b. Indian indentured labour was brought to work in Natal due to the lack of local labourers in Southern Africa and also due to their refusal to work for cultural reasons.

d. Indian indentured labour was brought to work in Natal because they were better at sugar cutting than the local population.