Select the text from the paragraph that best helps you understand that transmuting means converting. There may be more than one correct choice.

In early 2011, Dr. John Sparks and his team at the American Museum of Natural History went on a dive off the coast of Little Cayman Island to photograph biofluorescent corals. When they studied the resulting photographs, Dr. Sparks and his colleagues found something surprising: a biofluorescent eel. Although many sea creatures are bioluminescent-capable of producing light through a chemical reaction-this was the first time one had been found that could biofluoresce, or absorb and re-emit preexisting light. The discovery of the eel was only the beginning for Dr.
Sparks and his team. Subsequent trips to the Bahamas and the Solomon Islands eventually revealed over 180 fish species capable of transmuting the blue light of the ocean into brilliant red, green, and orange hues.

1 answer

... this was the first time one had been found that could biofluoresce, or absorb and re-emit preexisting light. The discovery of the eel was only the beginning for Dr.
Sparks and his team. Subsequent trips to the Bahamas and the Solomon Islands eventually revealed over 180 fish species capable of transmuting the blue light of the ocean into brilliant red, green, and orange hues.