Select the like terms −6a+7−3b+2a+ab (1 point) Responses +7 +7 -3b -3b +ab +ab +2a +2a -6a

2 answers

Like terms are terms that have the same variable raised to the same power. In the expression \(-6a + 7 - 3b + 2a + ab\), the like terms are:

  • For the variable \(a\): \(-6a\) and \(2a\)
  • For the constant: \(+7\)
  • For the variable \(b\): \(-3b\)
  • The term \(ab\) does not have any like terms.

So the like terms are:

  • \(-6a\) and \(2a\)
  • \(+7\)
  • \(-3b\)
  • \(ab\) does not have any like terms.

Thus, the responses regarding like terms for the expression are:

  • \(+7\)
  • \(-3b\)
  • \(-6a\) and \(+2a\) (which can be combined to form the sum of these coefficients if needed)

So, the only explicitly stated like terms in your response would be: \(-6a\), \(+2a\), and any other constant individual terms or variables.

can you give me all the like terms in the question?