Select the correct text in the passage.

Which sentence shows that Mrs. Castalano has run out of patience?
Visiting Julia
by Alisa Scerrato

Mrs. Castalano got off of the plane in New York City. It was her first time outside of Italy. She was going to see her granddaughter Julia for the first time. Julia was only 4 weeks old. Mrs. Castalano held a picture of Julia in her purse. She showed it to everyone on the plane on the way there.
Once Mrs. Castelano claimed her bags, she lugged them over to the taxi stand. "I'm here to see my granddaughter," she said to the woman standing next to her in line. The woman turned away and looked at her watch. Mrs. Castalano fixed her hair and looked around for someone to talk to, but no one seemed interested. When her taxi finally pulled up, it ran through a puddle and splashed Mrs. Castalano's leg.
"You gonna get in?" asked the taxi driver.
"Yes, nice man. You help me with bag?" replied Mrs. Castalano, trying to lift her large bag. The taxi driver got out of the car and sighed as he lifted her bag into the trunk. He slammed the trunk loudly, making Mrs. Castalano jump.
"Where to?" asked the driver.
"Ah, Brooklyn," said Mrs. Castalano, reaching into her purse and fumbling with a crumpled up piece of paper.
"I need more information than that, lady," he said as he swerved around the corner, making Mrs. Castalano grab on to the side of the door to hold herself up.
"I'm here to see my granddaughter. She name is Julia," said Mrs. Castelano.
"Lady, I need an address," he said as he swerved around another corner and almost made Mrs. Castalano bump her head on the window. Mrs. Castalano held onto the door handle with one hand while searching in her purse with the other hand. When she found the piece of paper, she handed it to the driver. The driver didn't look at the piece of paper and instead started yelling into his phone. He was speaking in a language that Mrs. Castalano could not understand.
Mrs. Castalano finally knocked on the glass between them and said, "You are not nice. I am paying you to go to my daughter's house. I wish to see my Julia right now. Hang up phone and drive!"
The driver then said, "Sorry, lady. I was on the phone with my mother. She was mad at me about something."
"Good! Now two mothers are mad," said Mrs. Castalano. "Take me to my daughter's house now, please."
"Sure thing," he said, turning the corner.
"Thank you," she said, taking Julia's picture out of her purse and smiling. "Now, I will tell you about my granddaughter Julia, and you will listen."
"I can't wait to hear it, lady," he said, and he listened to her story the whole way there.

1 answer

The sentence that shows Mrs. Castalano has run out of patience is: "You are not nice. I am paying you to go to my daughter's house. I wish to see my Julia right now. Hang up phone and drive!"