select the best answer for each section from the sentences

Sections: Dred Scott v. Sandford, Comprise of 1850, Sectionalism, Kansas-Nebraska Act

North and South agreed; California became a free state; strict fugitive slave law was passes

Geography caused country to develop economic differences

attempted to solve the issue of slavery through popular sovereignty; violence erupted as a result of the law

ruled slaves where property and not citizens

3 answers

Dred Scott v. Sandford - ruled slaves where property and not citizens
Comprise of 1850 - North and South agreed; California became a free state; strict fugitive slave law was passed
Sectionalism - Geography caused country to develop economic differences
Kansas-Nebraska Act - attempted to solve the issue of slavery through popular sovereignty; violence erupted as a result of the law
Harriet Tubman
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
William Llyod Garrison

The people on this list are similar because their actions-

Promoted support for westward expansion
promoted interest in agriculture innovation
showed commitments to rights and freedoms
showed dedication to sectionalism and states' rights
The people on this list are similar because their actions showed commitments to rights and freedoms.