Select ONE organization For your project

Identify the entities and their attributes
Identify the degree of their relationship
Identify their cardinalities

1 answer

Organization: Apple Inc.

Entities and their attributes:

1. Employees
- Employee ID (PK)
- Name
- Department
- Salary
- Position

2. Products
- Product ID (PK)
- Name
- Description
- Price
- Category

3. Customers
- Customer ID (PK)
- Name
- Address
- Email
- Phone number

Degree of relationships:

1. Employees can work on multiple products.
2. Products can be worked on by multiple employees.
3. Customers can purchase multiple products.
4. Products can be purchased by multiple customers.


1. Employees (1) ----- (0 or more) Products
- One employee can work on zero or more products.
- A product can have one or more employees working on it.

2. Products (1) ----- (0 or more) Employees
- One product can be worked on by zero or more employees.
- An employee can work on one or more products.

3. Customers (0 or more) ----- (0 or more) Products
- A customer can purchase zero or more products.
- A product can be purchased by zero or more customers.

4. Products (0 or more) ----- (0 or more) Customers
- A product can be purchased by zero or more customers.
- A customer can purchase zero or more products.