Select ONE organization For your project

Identify the entities and their attributes
Identify the degree of their relationship
Identify their cardinalities
Draw the ERD

2 answers

Organization: ABC Corporation

1. Employee
2. Department
3. Project

- ID (primary key)
- Name
- Address
- Phone number
- Email
- Position
- Salary

- ID (primary key)
- Name
- Manager (foreign key to Employee table)

- ID (primary key)
- Name
- Description
- Start date
- End date
- Budget
- Manager (foreign key to Employee table)
- Department (foreign key to Department table)

Degree of relationship:
- Employee works in one Department (1:N)
- Department has many Employees (N:1)
- Department manages many Projects (1:N)
- Project is managed by one Department (N:1)
- Project has many Employees working on it (N:M)
- Employee can work on multiple Projects (N:M)

- Employee: 1:N with Department, N:M with Project
- Department: N:1 with Employee, 1:N with Project
- Project: N:1 with Department, N:M with Employee

- An Employee can only work in one Department
- A Department must have at least one Employee as Manager
- A Project must have a Manager who is an Employee and must be assigned to a Department
- An Employee can work on multiple Projects, and a Project can have multiple Employees working on it
- A Department can manage multiple Projects

ERD: (see attached image)

[![ABC Corporation ERD](](
Select ONE organization For your project
Identify the entities and their attributes
Identify the degree of their relationship
Identify their cardinalities