Organization: ABC Corporation
1. Employee
2. Department
3. Project
- ID (primary key)
- Name
- Address
- Phone number
- Email
- Position
- Salary
- ID (primary key)
- Name
- Manager (foreign key to Employee table)
- ID (primary key)
- Name
- Description
- Start date
- End date
- Budget
- Manager (foreign key to Employee table)
- Department (foreign key to Department table)
Degree of relationship:
- Employee works in one Department (1:N)
- Department has many Employees (N:1)
- Department manages many Projects (1:N)
- Project is managed by one Department (N:1)
- Project has many Employees working on it (N:M)
- Employee can work on multiple Projects (N:M)
- Employee: 1:N with Department, N:M with Project
- Department: N:1 with Employee, 1:N with Project
- Project: N:1 with Department, N:M with Employee
- An Employee can only work in one Department
- A Department must have at least one Employee as Manager
- A Project must have a Manager who is an Employee and must be assigned to a Department
- An Employee can work on multiple Projects, and a Project can have multiple Employees working on it
- A Department can manage multiple Projects
ERD: (see attached image)
Select ONE organization For your project
Identify the entities and their attributes
Identify the degree of their relationship
Identify their cardinalities
Draw the ERD
2 answers
Select ONE organization For your project
Identify the entities and their attributes
Identify the degree of their relationship
Identify their cardinalities
Identify the entities and their attributes
Identify the degree of their relationship
Identify their cardinalities