Select an organization that you have worked for or one that you are familiar with and locate the goals the organization has set. Many times this information can be found on the company's website.
Search the Library as well as the internet and research goal setting. Compare what information you found with the information in the text.
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i did this 2 weeks ago got a D on it and i just wanted to see what every one else come up with so i can see where i messed up
give a brief overview of the organization and list the goals of that organization. Describe how these goals meet the characteristics of effective goals that you learned about from your research and the text. Select at least two of the goals and suggest how the organization would go about planning to achieve those goals.
Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. Without seeing the work you did, it's difficult to say why you got a D. Hopefully your teacher explained WHY. Did you provide a bibliography stating where you got your information? Depending upon the organization you chose, there must be "bylaws" or "goals/objectives."
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