Original passage:
"As he is about to clasp her, a blinding white light envelops him—there is a noise like the sound of a great rushing wind—and he is hurled backward, through space, and back in time—disoriented, confused, hearing nothing but the sound of his own heart pounding."
Narrative point of view: Limited third-person. This passage is limited to the thoughts and experiences of the character as he is experiencing a vivid hallucination. The narrative is focused on his actions and sensations, giving the reader insight into his emotions and perceptions.
Rewritten passage (omniscient third-person):
"As he reached out to clasp her, a blinding white light enveloped him—there was a noise like the sound of a great rushing wind—and he was hurled backward through space and time. Disoriented and confused, he heard nothing but the sound of his own heart pounding, unaware of the true nature of his experience."
Select a short passage from "The Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge." Tell whether the narrative point of view is limited third-person or omniscient third-person, and explain how you know. Then rewrite the passage from a different point of view.
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