Select a family member or friend. Show them the You and Me Circles and explain the difference between Doormats, Black Holes, and Strong Givers. Then ask them these questions and write down their answer in complete sentences.

What can I do to help you get more from our friendship or relationship?
What can you do to help me get more from our friendship or relationship?

1 answer

Sure! Here’s an overview of the You and Me Circles concept, along with a breakdown of Doormats, Black Holes, and Strong Givers:

You and Me Circles Concept:

  1. Doormats: These are individuals who tend to always put others' needs above their own. They often say "yes" to everything, avoid conflict, and might feel unappreciated in their relationships. As a result, they can end up feeling drained and taken advantage of.

  2. Black Holes: These are people who may take a lot from a relationship but give very little in return. They often dominate conversations and tend to be self-centered, leading to feelings of imbalance and resentment from those around them.

  3. Strong Givers: These individuals create balanced, healthy relationships by giving and receiving equally. They respect their own needs while also valuing the needs of others. Strong Givers foster mutual support and fulfillment in their relationships.

I will now pose the questions to a friend or family member. Here’s the dialogue and their responses, presented in complete sentences.

Question 1: What can I do to help you get more from our friendship or relationship?

Response: "You can help me by being more open about what you’re feeling and what you need from me. Sometimes I feel unsure if I'm being supportive enough, and it would really help me to know how I can contribute to our friendship better."

Question 2: What can you do to help me get more from our friendship or relationship?

Response: "I can make an effort to check in with you more often and ask how you’re doing. I know life can get busy, but I want to ensure I'm there for you as much as you are for me. Regular communication will help strengthen our bond."

Feel free to modify the questions or responses to fit your specific situation!