Here are the TRUE or FALSE answers to each of the statements:
- TRUE - Intervention is one of the five purposes for monitoring and evaluating Training and Development programmes.
- FALSE - Attitude surveys can be used in Training and Development programmes.
- TRUE - Training policy should be developed in such a way that it is flexible to adapt to training needs of individual employees.
- FALSE - Task assessment is part of the stages of training and development process.
- TRUE - Among others, workforce diversity is a factor that can influence training initiatives in an organisation.
- TRUE - Learning principles happen to be guidelines to the manner in which people learn effectively.
- FALSE - The Kirkpatrick’s model has four levels, while the Philips Five levels ROI framework has five levels.
- TRUE - Human Resources Development is divided into three distinct categories: education, training, and development.
- TRUE - A training policy can also be used to enhance public relations of an organisation.
- TRUE - The primary responsibility in Training and Development lies with the individual employees as they have the responsibility of demonstrating interest in personal career development.