The four stages of team development are:
1. Forming: In this stage, the team members come together and get to know each other. There is often uncertainty and a lack of structure at this stage. Team members may be cautious and focused on individual goals rather than team goals.
2. Storming: In this stage, conflicts and disagreements may arise as team members start to share their ideas and opinions. There may be a power struggle or competition within the team. This stage is essential for the team to establish clear goals, roles, and expectations.
3. Norming: In this stage, the team members start to resolve their conflicts and develop a sense of trust and cohesion. They begin to understand each other's strengths and weaknesses and find ways to work together effectively. Rules and procedures are established, and norms for communication and decision-making are developed.
4. Performing: In this stage, the team is highly productive and effective. Team members work collaboratively towards a common goal, utilizing each other's strengths and skills. There is a high level of trust and cooperation within the team, and conflicts are resolved constructively. The team is able to achieve its objectives and deliver high-quality results.
These stages are not always linear and can vary in duration depending on the team and its dynamics. Managers need to be aware of these stages and provide the necessary support and guidance to help the team progress through them successfully.
2.1 Dynamics within a team shift according to whether a team is a new, immature team, or a wellestablished, more experienced team. Managers need to understand how the performance of an employee will shift according to the maturity of the team they come into.
Question Two:
With reference to the above statement, identify and explain the four stages of team development? 10
1 answer