SECTION 1 – DEFINITIONS: Match the term with the definition. Shade in the appropriate bubble.

For questions 1 through 4. Not all of the choices are used.

1. metaphor

2. alliteration

3. simile

4. hyperbole

A. exaggeration for effect

B. comparison of two or more things using “like” or “as”

C. when one idea or sentence is stretched over two or more lines.

D. repeating the same starting sounds of words.

E. comparison of two or more things not using “like” or “as”

For questions 5 through 8. Not all of the choices are used.

5. rhythm

6. repetition

7. rhyme

8. enjambment

A. repeating the same starting sounds of words.

B. when one idea or sentence is stretched over two or more lines.

C. a regular pattern of stresses, like a beat.

D. when a poet repeats a word or words to emphasize

E. when two words share the same final sound

For questions 9 through 12. Not all of the choices are used.

9. personification

10. onomatopoeia

11. imagery

12. irony

A. when a words pronunciation imitates its sound

B. when the outcome of a situation is the exact opposite of what was expected

C. giving human traits or characteristics to an object or idea

D. writing that uses the five senses to create “pictures”

E. exaggeration for effect

1 answer

1. E - hyperbole

2. D - alliteration

3. B - simile

4. A - metaphor

5. C - rhythm

6. D - repetition

7. E - rhyme

8. B - enjambment

9. C - personification

10. A - onomatopoeia

11. D - imagery

12. B - irony