For website pages on tax shelters, the Plain Writing Act requires that the following be considered:
Clarity: The information should be presented in a clear manner that is easy for the public to understand. Avoid jargon or complicated terminology that may confuse users.
Conciseness: The content should be concise and to the point. Unnecessary information should be omitted to ensure that users can quickly grasp the key points.
Organization: The information must be well-organized, with a logical structure that guides users through the material. Effective use of headings, bullet points, and sections can help improve navigation.
Accessibility: The page should be accessible from the agency's home page and easy for the public to find.
Use of Plain Writing: Any new or revised documents related to tax shelters must adhere to the plain writing standards as mandated by the Act.
Feedback Mechanism: The page should provide a mechanism for the public to provide input or ask questions about the information presented, enhancing accountability and communication.
Compliance Information: It should clearly explain how individuals can comply with tax requirements related to tax shelters.
By following these principles, the agency can ensure that the information conveyed on the website about tax shelters is understandable and useful to the public.