Searching for the name of the head coach of the Redwings is __________ to the
information I am looking into regarding hockey coaches of professional sports teams.
(1 point)
Michael believes that the beaches in Greece are much prettier than the beaches in Italy,
and his ________ shows in the article he wrote about how the beaches in Greece are
number one in the world without doing any research.
(1 point)
I am going to check a __________ for the historical news articles I need since I can’t
drive to my local library branch tonight.
(1 point)
digital library
digital literacy
domain extension
front desk
Are you sure that the statistic you found stating the annual number of extra-terrestrial
findings in New Mexico is ___________ because I am not sure you chose a reputable
(1 point)
Sammi was ________ her search for “sports cars” to just “Lamborghini” as those are the
sports cars she is really interested in.
(1 point)
Roger showed he has great ___________ by being able to fully research about dairy
farms online, join discussion boards on his topic, and share his final project using an
online link.
(1 point)
digital footprints
digital literacy
digital skills
digital knowledge
Edward has spent the entire day ________ how to cook a turkey so he can host his first
Thanksgiving dinner properly.
(1 point)
If you want to quickly find out how many gold medals Michael Phelps has won, you can
type your question into a _______________ to find different sites that might list that
(1 point)
search engine
digital literacy
domain extension
online library catalog
I had a hard time finding my school’s website because I thought the ________ of the website
was .org, when it was in fact .edu.
universal resource locator
domain extension
IP address
3 answers
that it was my first question
- Relevant
Michael believes that the beaches in Greece are much prettier than the beaches in Italy,
and his ________ shows in the article he wrote about how the beaches in Greece are number one in the world without doing any research.
- Bias
I am going to check a __________ for the historical news articles I need since I can’t drive to my local library branch tonight.
- Digital Library
Are you sure that the statistic you found stating the annual number of extra-terrestrial findings in New Mexico is ___________ because I am not sure you chose a reputable source.
- Valid
Sammi was ________ her search for “sports cars” to just “Lamborghini” as those are the sports cars she is really interested in.
Roger showed he has great ___________ by being able to fully research about dairy farms online, join discussion boards on his topic, and share his final project using an online link.
- Digital Library
Edward has spent the entire day ________ how to cook a turkey so he can host his first Thanksgiving dinner properly.
- Researcing
If you want to quickly find out how many gold medals Michael Phelps has won, you can type your question into a _______________ to find different sites that might list that information.
- Search Engine
I had a hard time finding my school’s website because I thought the ________ of the website
was .org, when it was in fact .edu.
-domain extension
100% ;D