Well, I do not see the angles in the drawing
from the original direction I call them A and B
initial x momentum = .029*5.5
initial y momentum = 0
the final momentums must be the same so
in x direction
.029*5.5 = .029 Va cos A + .049 Vb cos B
in y direction
0 = .029 Va sin A + .049 Vb cos B
Search: The drawing shows a collision between two pucks on an air-hockey table. Puck A has a mass of 0.029 kg and is moving along the x axis with a velocity of +5.5 m/s. It makes a collision with puck B, which has a mass of 0.049 kg and is initially at rest. After the collision, the two pucks fly apart with the angles shown in the drawing.
3 answers
You do not say if the collision is elastic. If so then.
(.029/2)5.5^2 = Va^2+ Vb^2
(.029/2)5.5^2 = Va^2+ Vb^2
(.029/2)5.5^2 = (.029/2)Va^2+ (.049/2)Vb^2