Sea stars also called starfish-are a type of invertebrate that can be found all over the world. Though these creatures seem simple, they have developed amazing defenses. Some sea stars have arms covered with short spikes to ward off predators. Many can even regrow limbs that have been damaged during an attack.

Now, complete the student report with a sentence that avoids plagiarism,

Slime stars, which are a type of sea star, have five short arms and a puffy appearance,

When it's disturbed or threatened, the slime star produces large amounts of slimy mucus. This substance can be harmful to its predators: crabs, snails, and other sea stars.

"Though these creatures seem simple, they have developed amazing defenses, some have claimed.

Author Saul T. Waters observes, "Though these creatures seem simple," they have developed amazing defenses.

"Though these creatures seem simple, they have developed amazing defenses, states author Saul T. Waters.

(2 points)

Author BT Waters observes, Though these creatures seem sample, they have developed amazing asferites Though these creatures seem semple, they lave developed amazing defenses, states autre Soul T. Waters

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1 answer

"Despite their seemingly straightforward nature, these organisms possess remarkable defense mechanisms," notes author Saul T. Waters.