The subject of the passage is sea otters and their behavior.
The main idea is that sea otters use stones as hammers to break open the shells of abalones they collect during dives.
Some supporting details include:
- Sea otters collect large hard-shelled abalones in their teeth during dives
- Otters pick up a stone with their forepaws
- They roll onto their backs, place the abalones on their bellies
- They clasp a stone in both front feet
- They use the stones to smash the shells open
Sea Otters collect large hard-shelled abalones in their teeth during dives to the sea bottom, then each picks up a stone with its forepaws. Surfacing, the otters roll onto their backs, place the abalones on their bellies, and clasping a stone in both front feet, smash the shells open. Therefore, Sea Otters use these stones as hammers. What is the subject? What is the main idea? What are some supporting details?
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