Score Percentile Score Percentile Score Percentile Score Percentile

-3.5 0.02 -1 15.87 0 50 1.1 86.43
-3 0.13 -0.95 17.11 0.05 51.99 1.2 88.49
-2.9 0.19 -0.9 18.41 0.1 53.98 1.3 90.32
-2.8 0.26 -0.85 19.77 0.15 55.96 1.4 91.92
-2.7 0.35 -0.8 21.19 0.2 57.93 1.5 93.32
-2.6 0.47 -0.75 22.66 0.25 59.87 1.6 94.52
-2.5 0.62 -0.7 24.2 0.3 61.79 1.7 95.54
-2.4 0.82 -0.65 25.78 0.35 63.68 1.8 96.41
-2.3 1.07 -0.6 27.43 0.4 65.54 1.9 97.13
-2.2 1.39 -0.55 29.12 0.45 67.36 2 97.72
-2.1 1.79 -0.5 30.85 0.5 69.15 2.1 98.21
-2 2.28 -0.5 32.64 0.55 70.88 2.2 98.61
-1.9 2.87 -0.45 34.46 0.6 72.57 2.3 98.93
-1.8 3.59 -0.4 36.32 0.65 74.22 2.4 99.18
-1.7 4.46 -0.35 38.21 0.7 75.8 2.5 99.38
-1.6 5.48 -0.3 40.13 0.75 77.34 2.6 99.53
-1.5 6.68 -0.25 42.07 0.8 78.81 2.7 99.65
-1.4 8.08 -0.2 44.04 0.85 80.23 2.8 99.74
-1.3 9.68 -0.15 46.02 0.9 81.59 2.9 99.81
-1.2 11.51 -0.1 48.01 0.95 82.89 3 99.87
-1.1 13.57 0 50 1 84.13 3.5 99.98

Use the table above to find the standard score and percentile of: A) a data value 0.75 standard deviation below the mean; and B) a data value 3 standard deviations above the mean. Explain how you arrived at your answer in “your own” words.

Use the table above to find the approximate standard score of the following data values, then give the approximate number of standard deviations that the value lies above or below the mean. A) Data value in the third percentile. B) Data value in the 94th percentile.