Based on the observations provided, the most reasonable order for the appearance of the fossils in the fossil record would be CBA.
This is because animal C and animal B are said to have very similar structures, implying that they are more closely related to each other than either of them is to animal A. Additionally, animal A and animal B are stated to have only "somewhat" similar structures, suggesting a less close relationship between the two.
Therefore, animal C is the most distinct from the other two, animal B is somewhat similar to both animal A and animal C, and animal A appears to be the least similar to the other two animals. Thus, the order CBA reflects the increasing similarity and likely evolutionary progression from the most distinct animal (C) to the most similar animal (A).
Scientist, exam, and fossils from three different animals. They determine that all three animals share similar structures and record their observations as follows animal a and animal B have somewhat similar structures, animal and animal see had very similar structures, animal B, an animal C had very similar structures. The scientist use the similarities to determine the order, and which the fossil should appear in the fossil record based on the scientist observation, which order is the most reasonable would it be be a or C or a CB or CBA or a BC
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