Scientific evidence supports much of the blank cosmic blank and space can be measured. The present amount is what it would be if the blank actually occurred. Also the universe is still blank.

1 answer

Scientific evidence supports much of the cosmic expansion and space can be measured. The present amount is what it would be if the expansion of the universe actually occurred. Also, the universe is still expanding.

The concept of cosmic expansion is supported by various lines of scientific evidence, primarily from astronomical observations and measurements. Edwin Hubble's observations in the 1920s provided the first strong evidence of an expanding universe. Since then, several other observational techniques have been employed to further confirm this idea.

One of the key pieces of evidence is the redshift of distant galaxies. As light from galaxies travels towards us, the expansion of space causes the wavelengths to stretch, resulting in a redshift. By measuring the extent of this redshift, scientists can determine the velocity at which galaxies are moving away from us, indicating an expanding universe.

Other measurements, such as the cosmic microwave background radiation and the distribution of galaxies in large-scale structures, also support the concept of cosmic expansion. These observations provide additional evidence for the Big Bang theory, which suggests that the universe originated from an extremely hot and dense state approximately 13.8 billion years ago.

Regarding the present amount of expansion, scientists use various probes, such as type Ia supernovae, to measure the rate of cosmic expansion at different epochs. These measurements indicate that the rate of expansion is indeed accelerating, implying the existence of dark energy, a mysterious form of energy driving this acceleration.

Despite ongoing research and observations, many questions about the nature of cosmic expansion and the properties of the universe remain unanswered. However, the scientific consensus strongly supports the idea that the universe is expanding and has been doing so since its inception.