Science 8 ● Semester A

Force and Motion Portfolio
Balloon Rocket Hands-On Lab

Read through the lab completely before beginning the experiment. Check the Lab Rubric at the end of this document for grading.
Collect all necessary materials before beginning the lab.
Create a copy of this lab so you can fill it out as you go. Do not request editing access. You can print it and write on it, or you can make a copy in Google Docs or Microsoft Word.
Save a finished copy of this worksheet that includes your answers. Upload it into the Unit 4 Lesson 12 Force and Motion Apply it Dropbox in Connexus.
Reach out to your science teacher if you have any questions!

Materials Needed:
plastic drinking straw
plastic bag, about the size of an inflated balloon
paper streamers
fishing line, 25 ft (20-50g weight) or string (nylon [slippery] string works better than twine [rough])
long, tube-shaped balloon
tape measure or meter stick


Tape a drinking straw along the side of a plastic bag (see Figure 1).
Tape streamers along the open edge of the plastic bag.
Thread the string through the straw.
Tie each end of the string to a chair, and pull the chairs apart so that the string is taut (see Figure 1).
Position the bag at one end of the string, with the open end of the bag facing toward the chair.
Blow up a balloon (small size -about 5 inches wide) and put it into the bag, holding the balloon closed.
Countdown to zero, and let go of the balloon. . . ZOOOOM!
Measure the distance the balloon rockets traveled on the string and record in table
Repeat the process with the same sized balloon 2 more times and record your results in the table below.
Repeat steps 7-10 with a medium sized balloon (about 6-7 inches width when blown up) and record data of your 3 trials in your data table.
Repeat steps 7-10 with a large sized balloon ( 10 inches or more width when blown up) and record data of your 3 trials with this balloon.

I. Balloon Rocket Data Table
Directions: Predict the distance traveled along the string for a balloon that is filled with air so that it is small, medium and large in size. Then, record the actual distances traveled during three trials for each size balloon. *Don’t forget to include units*

Balloon Size
Predicted Distance
Trial #
Actual Distance Traveled













II. Balloon Rocket Questions

1. In this experiment, we can see Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion in action. For this experiment what is the action force and what is the reaction force?
Type Answer HERE:
2. As we added more air to the balloon, the balloon traveled further. Why is this the case? Explain.
Type Answer HERE:
3. If you have an equal amount of force pushing on both sides of an item, what happens every time? Explain Why.
Type Answer HERE:
4. A scientist wanted to move a golf ball and a bowling ball to both reach 15 mph. What would the scientist have to do differently for the bowling ball than the golf ball to reach his goal?
Type Answer HERE:

III. How do you graph motion? Video
Watch the following Video & then answer the questions following it.
Using Graphs to Describe Motion

IV. How do you graph motion? Questions

5. In the video, what color line for the Distance-Time graph represents the blue truck? Explain why.

Type Answer HERE:
6. On the Velocity-Time graph, the black line represents the red truck. What does a flat line, that has zero slope, mean on a Velocity-Time graph? Explain why.

Type Answer HERE:
7. The Position-Time graph below, represents someone going for a walk. At what position is the person not moving and how do you know according to the graph?

Type Answer HERE:

VI. Analyzing the Data:

Type Answer HERE:

The speed is constant.
The distance remains unchanged.
The direction of motion stays the same.
The speed gradually increases over time.


Type Answer HERE:
The ball’s speed is increasing.
The ball’s speed is decreasing.
The ball’s motion is constant.
The ball’s motion is stopping.


Type Answer HERE:
The object is experiencing acceleration.
The object is moving along a curved path.
The object has a negative acceleration.
The object moves at a constant speed.

Type Answer HERE:
The velocity of the car remains constant throughout the journey.
The change in speed alone causes the velocity of the car to vary.
The change in direction alone causes the velocity of the car to vary.
The velocity of the car changes due to the change in speed and direction.
12. Which graph BEST represents the relationship between velocity and time for an object that accelerates uniformly for 2 seconds, then moves at a constant velocity for 1 second, and finally decelerates for 3 seconds?
Type Answer HERE:

VII. Reading & Evidence Questions: Follow the instructions to open the required MyON Reading for this portfolio. Use the assigned books to help you answer the following questions.

Type Answer HERE:

Type Answer HERE:

Type Answer HERE:

1 answer

Sure! Here’s a template for you to fill out based on the information provided in your Balloon Rocket Hands-On Lab:

I. Balloon Rocket Data Table

| Balloon Size | Predicted Distance | Trial # | Actual Distance Traveled | |--------------|---------------------|---------|--------------------------| | Small | [Your prediction] | 1 | [Distance in units] | | | | 2 | [Distance in units] | | | | 3 | [Distance in units] | | Medium | [Your prediction] | 1 | [Distance in units] | | | | 2 | [Distance in units] | | | | 3 | [Distance in units] | | Large | [Your prediction] | 1 | [Distance in units] | | | | 2 | [Distance in units] | | | | 3 | [Distance in units] |

II. Balloon Rocket Questions

  1. In this experiment, we can see Newton’s 3rd Law of Motion in action. For this experiment what is the action force and what is the reaction force?

    • Type Answer HERE: The action force is the air rushing out of the balloon, while the reaction force is the movement of the balloon in the opposite direction (along the string).
  2. As we added more air to the balloon, the balloon traveled further. Why is this the case? Explain.

    • Type Answer HERE: As more air is added to the balloon, it increases the internal pressure. When released, the greater force generated by the faster-moving air causes the balloon to propel forward more strongly, resulting in a longer distance traveled.
  3. If you have an equal amount of force pushing on both sides of an item, what happens every time? Explain Why.

    • Type Answer HERE: If equal forces act on both sides, the object remains at rest or moves with constant velocity. This is due to net force being zero, so there is no change in motion according to Newton's first law.
  4. A scientist wanted to move a golf ball and a bowling ball to both reach 15 mph. What would the scientist have to do differently for the bowling ball than the golf ball to reach his goal?

    • Type Answer HERE: The scientist would need to apply a greater force to the bowling ball than to the golf ball due to the bowling ball's greater mass, in accordance with Newton's second law (F=ma).

III. How do you graph motion? Video Questions

  1. In the video, what color line for the Distance-Time graph represents the blue truck? Explain why.

    • Type Answer HERE: [Color] line represents the blue truck because it visually corresponds to its distance over time, illustrating its motion on the graph.
  2. On the Velocity-Time graph, the black line represents the red truck. What does a flat line, that has zero slope, mean on a Velocity-Time graph? Explain why.

    • Type Answer HERE: A flat line with zero slope indicates that the red truck is traveling at a constant velocity, meaning there is no acceleration occurring.
  3. The Position-Time graph below represents someone going for a walk. At what position is the person not moving and how do you know according to the graph?

    • Type Answer HERE: The person is not moving at position [specific position] because the line is horizontal, indicating no change in position over time.

VI. Analyzing the Data:

    • Type Answer HERE: [Choose the correct statement based on your observations.]
    • Type Answer HERE: [Choose the correct statement based on your observations.]
  • Type Answer HERE: [Choose the correct statement based on your observations.]
  • Type Answer HERE: [Choose the correct statement based on your observations.]
  1. Which graph BEST represents the relationship between velocity and time for an object that accelerates uniformly for 2 seconds, then moves at a constant velocity for 1 second, and finally decelerates for 3 seconds?
  • Type Answer HERE: [Choose or describe the graph.]

VII. Reading & Evidence Questions:

[You'll need to provide responses based on the assigned readings. Type answers below as needed.]

Type Answer HERE:
Type Answer HERE:
Type Answer HERE:

Please fill in your actual predictions, observed distances, and any other specific data you've gathered during your experiment. Let me know if you need any more assistance!