School was finally out for the summer, which meant Chris could concentrate on his band, Emancipation. He was determined to schedule as many performances as possible prior to fall.
"We can start by asking people we know," Chris told his band at practice. "Summer is the busiest time for special occasions."
This suggestion gave Jason, the lead singer, an interesting notion. "My little sister's first birthday is next month," Jason said. "Her party is at the recreation center, and it has a great sound system."
"I've never organized a show for babies and their parents," Chris said, laughing. "What type of music do they like?"
Which of the following responses would make Jason's answer a pun?
A. "They really like to rock"
B. "Children like to dance"
C. "Children like nursey rhymes"
D. "They love all types of music"
1 answer
A. "They really like to rock"