School Uniforms: Opposing Views
Sam Shaw
1In some schools, students are required to wear uniforms. Officials at these schools believe that uniforms are beneficial to the students and the schools. At other schools, however, officials, students, and parents think school uniforms are a bad idea. People who are in favor of school uniforms and those who are opposed to them have strong reasons for their opinions.
School Uniforms Should Be Adopted
2Adopting rules about school uniforms is a good idea for several reasons. If all students wear the same clothes, they will look the same. Students will not pick on one another for the clothes they wear because everyone will be dressed alike.
3School uniforms also can help families save time in the morning. Some students waste a lot of time deciding what to wear to school each day. School uniforms would fix this problem. Students would not have to make a choice because they would be allowed to wear only one thing.
4Uniforms could also help students earn better grades. Some students are so concerned with what their friends are wearing that they do not pay attention to their teachers. Students would not have this problem if they were dressed the same way. Uniforms are good for students, families, and schools.
School Uniforms Are a Bad Idea
5Forcing students to wear uniforms to school is a bad idea. Uniforms do not let students show their personal style, and they take away students’ freedom to decide how they want to look. This might make students feel less special.
6Expense is another problem with school uniforms. Each year parents would have to spend money on school uniforms in addition to the money they spend on the clothes their children wear after school and on weekends. Families would also spend more money washing and drying uniforms each day.
7If students from different schools wear different uniforms, it will be easy to tell where each student goes to school. This could cause more bullying between students, and it could lead to problems between students from different schools. School uniforms are a bad idea. They do not solve problems; they cause problems.
Which statement correctly summarizes the two writers' point of view?
A The first and second writer both assert that school uniforms will be a time-waster.The first and second writer both assert that school uniforms will be a time-waster.
B The first writer declares that school uniforms are unattractive; the second writer declares that school uniforms are attractive.The first writer declares that school uniforms are unattractive; the second writer declares that school uniforms are attractive.
C The first writer declares that school uniforms are attractive; the second writer declares that school uniforms are unattractive.The first writer declares that school uniforms are attractive; the second writer declares that school uniforms are unattractive.
D The first writer asserts that school uniforms will be a time-waster; the second writer asserts that school uniforms will be a time-saver.The first writer asserts that school uniforms will be a time-waster; the second writer asserts that school uniforms will be a time-saver.
E The first writer asserts that school uniforms will be a time-saver; the second writer asserts that school uniforms will be a time-waster.
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