[Curtain opens to a cafeteria. Olivia and Kevin are at different benches. Olivia plays with her friendship bracelet.]

OLIVIA: [Sends a text to Kevin] Meet me by the old tree house after basketball practice.

KEVIN: [To himself ] What makes you think I'll show up?

OLIVIA: [Sends another text to Kevin] Only you can understand.

KEVIN: [Grunts and sends a text] K.

[Curtain closes.]


[Curtain opens. Kevin Lingers outside the tree house for ten minutes. Olivia is fidgeting with her phone, crouched and about to get up and leave when Kevin enters.]

KEVIN: What's up?

OLIVIA: [Smiles weakly] I don’t want anyone else to know, but I wanted to talk to you.

KEVIN: Are you sure? I mean. What about your boy—I mean new best friend?

OLIVIA: [Waves her hand to brush off the idea] He won’t understand. His parents are happy.

KEVIN: Oh. That’s what parents do. Sometimes they hide their fights, sometimes they don’t. We used to be best friends and inseparable for years. Look what happened to us. How can married people not be different?

OLIVIA: [Clutches her heart as if it is broken] Kevin!

KEVIN: I’m sorry. I guess I kept it all inside for too long. You stopped being friends without any explanation. Who does that? I was hurt for so many years. I just now got over it, and you text me. I didn’t even know you had my number.

OLIVIA: [Pauses for a long time] You are right. I do owe you an explanation. But can today just be you tell me it’s going to be okay? My parents will be okay, right?

KEVIN: Olivia, you will get through this. You don’t know all the facts. Don’t worry in advance.

OLIVIA: [Tries to smile] You know I thought you were never going to be my best friend after you started hanging out with Tim. Did you know Tim couldn’t stand me?

KEVIN: [Relaxes] I wish you’d talked to me. I never knew. Tim’s a cool guy if you get to know him. Tough on the outside. Well, we’re not here to talk about that today, are we?

OLIVIA: I think I can’t stand it—not being your friend. Even if too late, I am sorry.

KEVIN: Just give me time, okay. I never stopped caring for you. You’ll be okay. I have to go.

[Curtain closes.]

Scene 3

[Curtain opens. Olivia hesitates in the cafeteria with her lunch tray as she spots Kevin on the bench. Kevin scoots to make room.]

KEVIN: [Gestures to the bench] Go ahead.

OLIVIA: Only if you’re okay with that.

KEVIN: [Leans closer and whispers] Listen, my aunt is your mom’s best friend. Did you know that?

OLIVIA: [Nearly shouting and really fast] Really? I had no idea. Does she talk to my mom? Does she know anything?

KEVIN: [Hesitates before patting Olivia on the back] Settle down. Hush. We can meet at the tree house after your math club and talk more, alright?

OLIVIA: For real?

KEVIN: Well, not if you don’t give me that juice you are just throwing away.

OLIVIA: [Wipes a tear from her face] Take the cookie, too.

KEVIN: Ha! Still the healthy gal. Sure.

[Curtain closes.]What does Kevin’s dialogue reveal about him?
A He is more emotional than Olivia.He is more emotional than Olivia.
B He doesn’t remember the past mistakes.He doesn’t remember the past mistakes.
C He holds many grudges and won’t forgive Olivia. He holds many grudges and won’t forgive Olivia.
D He is wise, honest and practical.

1 answer

D He is wise, honest and practical.