Team Otters is more consistent because their Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) is lower at 3.33, compared to the Panthers' MAD of 5.33. The MAD measures how much the scores deviate from the mean score, indicating the variability in performance. A lower MAD signifies that the scores are closer to the average, which reflects a more stable performance across the games. In contrast, the Panthers exhibit greater variability in their scores, as evidenced by their higher MAD, suggesting that their performance fluctuates more significantly from game to game. Therefore, the Otters demonstrate a more consistent scoring pattern over their last three games.
Two football teams, the Otters and the Panthers, have the following scores for their last three games:
Otters: 6, 12, 15
Panthers: 10, 14, 24
Based on the information above, the Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD) for Otters is 3.33 and for the Panthers is 5.33.
Based on the Mean Absolute Deviation (MAD), which team is more consistent and why?
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For example, "Team _________ is more consistent because _____provide supporting details_______"
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