Scenario: Assume you are the owner-driver of a truck, which transports vegetables overnight from the farmers in Florida to the markets in Atlanta. On the way back you haul whatever goods need transporting in the opposite direction. You have five employees in your office located in Atlanta.

Post a short essay (minimum 300 words) which answers the following questions in the Discussion Area by Sunday, May 15, 2011. Be sure to incorporate your weekly readings, cite your sources using proper APA (including intext citations and references). Respond with meaningful feedback which adds value to the discussion to two classmates before the end of the week.

Clearly identify all the necessary activities and associated activities you'll have to carry out in order to ensure smooth delivery.
What is going to be your competitive advantage? What is the benefit you are trying to provide to your customers.
Why are the activities you listed so important to your business?
What problems might occur if you do not effectively and efficiently carry out these management functions?

1 answer

Post a short essay (minimum 300 words) which answers the following questions in the Discussion Area by Sunday, May 15, 2011.

You missed the deadline by over a year.