Scarface, a hybrid assassin, lives his life ending others’. But even though he might prevail in completing a mission, he will still bear the scars that he gets as a permanent reminder of his gruesome purpose. He escapes his misery by reliving his memories, some pleasant, others not. He looks back on his life at his younger self, Canyon, and all the events that led to where he was now. All the dragons he’s met have shaped his life, but not always for the better. Through each and every day, he always asks himself, Who am I really? What is my destiny?
Now, through a series of bizarre events, his questions begin to reveal answers and even more about himself than he knew. Finally, through his tragic past and his assigned-destiny, he can find out who he really is. Not Scarface, but Canyon, the dragon who will change the world.
1 answer
bravo bravo thats incredible