These sites should give you a lot of good ideas.
Saw some1 else had posted a dog training qu. & visited both websites (nothing unfortunately). Does any1 know how i can get my Miniature Pinscher mix to heel on his walks? I've looked at every website i could think of and came up with nothing.
Thnx 4 ur help!
Nat ;)
6 answers
Scarlet/Nat -- Please use the same name for your posts.
i don't go by "Scarlet" just "Nat"
& thnx 4 the website ms.sue
i don't go by "Scarlet" just "Nat"
& thnx 4 the website ms.sue
Watch out! A person named Scarlett is using your internet address in San Antonio!
Nat/Scarlett must think all of us here at Jiskha were born yesterday or something!
I hope ur all happy cuz I'm NEVER coming here again!
& btw, i just found out that it was my SISTER who wrote that other thing. & how the heck u got my internet address & my location is SO scary & crazy & just plain wrong!
Like i said, hope ur happy cuz im never visiting this website again!
& btw, i just found out that it was my SISTER who wrote that other thing. & how the heck u got my internet address & my location is SO scary & crazy & just plain wrong!
Like i said, hope ur happy cuz im never visiting this website again!