Who was involved?
The key figures involved in the founding of Savannah and the establishment of Georgia included James Oglethorpe, a British general and founder of the colony, and a group of trustees appointed by King George II. Other individuals involved were the first settlers, many of whom were debtors and impoverished citizens from England, as well as Indigenous groups such as the Yamacraw, who interacted with the new settlers.
What happened?
James Oglethorpe founded Savannah in 1733 as the first city of the Colony of Georgia. He and the Trustees envisioned Georgia as a place for the resettlement of debtors and the poor, providing them with a new opportunity for life. Oglethorpe negotiated with the Yamacraw leader Tomochichi for land and established good relations with the local Indigenous community. The city was designed with a distinctive layout, featuring wide streets, public squares, and ample green space.
Where did the event take place?
The event took place in what is now Savannah, Georgia, located near the Savannah River.
What regions of Georgia did the event take place in?
The founding of Savannah was primarily in the coastal region of Georgia, particularly in Chatham County. Savannah itself was laid out strategically to serve as a port city, facilitating trade and interaction with both Europe and other regions.
When did the event take place?
The founding of Savannah occurred in 1733, when James Oglethorpe and the first settlers arrived in Georgia.
Why is this event important to Georgia history?
The founding of Savannah is significant to Georgia history for several reasons. It marked the beginning of the Colony of Georgia, which was the last of the Thirteen Colonies established in America. The city served as a critical point for trade, defense, and the cultural development of the region. Additionally, Oglethorpe's vision of a colony for the poor and his interactions with Native American tribes exemplify early efforts of social reform and cross-cultural exchanges in colonial America. Savannah later became a vital economic and political center in Georgia’s history.