Sam’s birthday is 186 days after Jim’s birthday. Susan’s is 24 days after Jim’s. Sam was born on September 6th. What day was Susan born on if it wasn’t a leap year

1 answer

To solve the problem, we need to find Jim’s birthday first. Since we know that Sam’s birthday is 186 days after Jim’s, and September 6th is 186 days after March 4th (the 63rd day of the year, assuming no leap year), we can assume that Jim’s birthday is on March 4th.

Now we know that Susan’s birthday is 24 days after Jim’s. Since March has 31 days, we can assume that Susan’s birthday is on March 28th (31 - 4 + 24 = 51, which is the 28th day of the month).

Therefore, if Sam was born on September 6th, and Susan’s birthday is 24 days after Jim’s, then Susan was born on March 28th.