Sally takes a photo of the mountains near her home. She uploads the photo to the Internet with "Copyright 2011 Sally Johnson" next to the image. About a week later, she checks one of her favorite blogs and sees that the blogger has posted her photo on the blog and has posted a creative writing story to go with it. True or False: If the blogger doesn't ask Sally's permission to use the photo but still gives her credit, the blogger can post Sally's photo with his story.

Pick the best option.

When you copyright something, others have to ask your permission before using it.

A) True

B) False

Even though Sally put "Copyright" on her photo, the blogger doesn't have to ask permission because he posted his own original story to go with it.

A) True

B) False

Copyright is pretty relaxed, so even though Sally put "Copyright" on her photo the blogger can do what he wants.

A) True

B) False

When you copyright something, the only way that others can use the work without your permission is if they change the original meaning of the work. Adding a story to the photo doesn't change the original photo, so the blogger can't use it.

A) True

B) False

1 answer

B) False