To round the number 80,547.645 to the place of the underlined digit (which is 4 in this case), we need to identify the place value of the underlined digit and the digit to the right of it.
The number is 80,547.645:
- The underlined digit 4 is in the thousands place.
- The digit to the right of it is 7 (in the hundreds place).
When rounding, if the digit after the underlined digit (in this case, 7) is 5 or greater, we round the underlined digit up.
Since 7 is greater than 5, we will round the 4 up:
- Round 4 up to 5.
- Change the digits to the right of the underlined digit to zero (in this case, just remove them).
So rounding 80,547.645 to the place of the underlined digit (thousands place) gives us 80,600.